

The team were finalists at both the Central Missouri and Iowa Regionals! In addition to making it to finals, they also won the Autonomous Award at Central Missouri and the Industrial Design Award at the Iowa Regional.

2024 BlueAlliance Records - 2024 Code - Offseason CAD


The team made it to playoffs at Iowa and were finalists at the Green Country Regional in Tulsa, Okalahoma! They ended up winning the Judges' Award for winning and being good all around, doing spectacularly in every catagory.

2023 BlueAlliance Records - 2023 Code


In 2022, the team was officially rebranded as Wildcard Robotics. Wildcard was ready to take a new rookie number, but they realized that Team ASAP and number 4646 was going to be officially be disbanded, and reached out and took over the number. Wildcard would take on ASAP's legacy, to carry it forward. Whilst they didn't win any awards, they had an amazing season.

2022 BlueAlliance Records


In 2021, the team competed in the online tournament.

2021 BlueAlliance Records


In 2020, the team's season was stopped short by the Covid shutdowns.

2020 BlueAlliance Records


In 2019, the team competed at Great Northern and Central Illinois.

2019 BlueAlliance Records


In 2018, Sanjana Amatya won the FIRST Dean's List Finalist award.

2018 BlueAlliance Records


In 2017, the team won the Gracious Professionalism Award.

2017 BlueAlliance Records


In 2016, Priyanka Koratpallikar won the FIRST Dean's List Finalist award.

2016 BlueAlliance Records


In 2015, William Gunderson won the FIRST Dean's List Finalist award.

2015 BlueAlliance Records


In 2014, Jordan Burklund won the FIRST Dean's List Finalist award.

2014 BlueAlliance Records


In 2013, Team 4646 started as Team ASAP , in Des Moines. They started off with a very successful rookie year, earning the Rookie All-Star Award, and the Highest Rookie Seed award.

2013 BlueAlliance Records